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Would you like a slice of toast ?

Would you like a slice of toast? TobeUs

'A wooden car on a table to deliver you a slice of toast.'

A wooden toy car for TobeUs project, concept created and organized by Matteo Ragni, Milano.

The exhibition of '100% TobeUs' was held at Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci.  100 designers from all over the world took part in the project, sending drawings for band-saw cuts from front and side, to modify an existing toy concept and create unique pieces.



ミラノのデザイナー、マテオ・ラー二によって企画された、遊び心のある木の車のデザイン展「100% TobeUs」に寄せた作品です。忙しい朝、車がテーブルを横切って、トーストをとどけます。



Date of exhibition: 

from 5 December 2012

to 13 January 2013


W 80 / D 160 / H 90 mm


Cedar wood, Walnut off-cuts


Max Rommel

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