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Spiral of Colour

Spiral of Colour, G . F Smith

‘Dynamism and Delicacy'

For G . F Smith’s Show Space in central London, we have designed, fabricated and installed a 5.5 metre long spiral mono-structure in paper, applying the principles of our The Geometrist method of paper polyhedra, where structural strength comes from folding strips and gluing their ends.

The spiral is a linkage of 269 units of pentagonal anti-prisms, made up from 4,842 individual elements joined together by over 20,000 hand glued and fixed connections.  The spiral showcases all 55 colours in G . F Smith’s Colorplan range, celebrating the colour and texture of this British paper. 

Our aim for this installation was to demonstrate how small and delicate elements can form a large scale dynamic shape through careful planning and execution, expressing the extraordinary and wonderful nature of paper.



イギリスの製紙会社 G . F Smithの商品 Colorplan に新色が足されたことを記念して、ロンドンのショールーム地下にあるギャラリーに紙の彫刻をデザインし、制作しました。


ザ・ジオメトリスト」のメソッドを使い、反五角柱を側面で繋げながら組み立てた、単体構造の立体です。 Colorplan55色すべてを使い、延ばすと40メートルを超える多面体のつながりが、直径約1.4メートルで長さが5.5メートルの螺旋になりました。



展示期間: 201911月 - 20203


G . F Smith


G . F Smith Show Space, London

Installation size:
height of spiral: 1.4 m
total height measured from floor: 2.3 m
length of spiral: 5.5 m

Colorplan 270gsm paper, PVA glue, mesh, metal fixtures, fishing nylon

Installation duration:
November 2019 - March 2020


28 November 2019
5 & 12 December 2019


Guy Archard

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