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Charity Projects

The Birds, Bats and Bees, Phillips de Pury & Co, 2008

A charity auction, fund raising for Adventure Ecology - helping to raise funds to protect the living environment for vulnerable creatures, which are noticeably decreasing in numbers.

Replying to a brief which Phillips de Pury set together with Arts Co. , we chose to use paper, particulary printed catalogues for the auction house, which bridges our cultural activities to the issue. We transformed them into dwelling for birds and bees.




Birdsong Again in Tohoku, Charity Box Exhibition, 2011

Shortly after the earthquake and tsunami tragedy, this project was conceived by designer Kazuyo Komoda and her friends in Milano. We designed a collection box, which expresses a thank-you by the sound of birdsong when the money is pushed into the opening.

The exhibition was supported by a lot of visitors and went touring to Geneva, Tokyo, and Triennale di Milano.

On the 4th memorial day of the earthquake and Tsunami, the pieces from the Charity Box Exhibition were auctioned at Sotheby's in Milano.




Joy of Living,
Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre, 2011

'Joy of Living' was organised by Max Fraser. Over 100 designers took part to support Maggies Cancer Caring Centre.  All the exhibits had the same price and the name of the creator was revealed only when a piece was bought.

Three compositions of types of conversations were made by speech bubbles, which were printed using hand cut rubber stamps.  To suggest 'joy of making’, the rubber stamps were a gift for the purchaser.

キュレーターのマックス・フレーザーが企画した展覧会で、売り上げは末期がん患者のサポートをするマギーズ・キャンサー・ケアセンターへ寄付されました。「死と背中合わせになった時でも生きる喜び(Joy of Living)を忘れない環境を」というセンターのスローガンに応え、100人以上のデザイナーが作品を寄贈しました。

この作品では、さまざまな「会話」をビジュアルで表現しています。Colour / 個性のある、Clarity / 裏表のない、Diversity  / 多様な意見。そして、作る喜びも伝えたかったので、作品のために作った消しゴムスタンプを添え、買った人が遊べるようにしました。

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